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Georgia Loses 40,000+ Voter Registration Applications From Black & Latino People

Check Out Deidra Trotter's Beautiful Guitar Playing: JUST MESSING AROUND: PRETTY CHORDS [2014] JAM SESSION

Her name is Deidra Trotter and she is from somewhere down south. Lazy research on my part I know. Although for those of us born in Michigan like, nearly everywhere south of the northern state line of Ohio is 'down South'. I first was made aware of her on Google Plus of all places, and I'm darn glad to share her music here with you. She has a wonderful tone and innate sense of profound phrasing all her own. Oh yeah, if you like her playing let her know! And find out where she's from willya? 😜😜

Deidra Trotter's YouTube Channel


Dissed- a lightbulb martin poem + lyrics 2 Tung & Gruv song from yesterday

Lightbulb Martin
Lightbulb Martin
Jul 19      

A List. 
The Gist of which 
U Missed. 
On a Tryst. 
While we Kissed 
You fled Bliss 
And for This 
I am Pissed. 


Tung & Gruv- The Gist of Which U Missed (final cut)

A new Tung & Gruv song??? Hail Hail Mr. Bassano!! you will be enticed by this song enjoy it!

10/14/2014 Co-opts Captain Kirk?

May the force be with you ..
If anyone out there is wondering, check out to learn more about the latest Anti-Facebook social network to hit the scene...


Fwd: 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣, You are Hot!

So a friend of mine received this actual email from okcupid a few weeks back. Apparently okcupid thought he was an ugly dude. Why do I say that? Well if you read the email it implies that he was only being shown unattractive people as potential partners. That is until the users of okcupid, the female users rose up and declared my friend as one of  'the most attractive people on OkCupid'. The worst Sentence in the email from OkCupid? Is highlighted in blue. 'You'll now see more attractive people in your match results.'
Wow.... I really wish I could post a picture so you could see what my buddy 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣ looks like. But I promised. So people! Be wary of online dating services. It appears OkCupid is unscrupulous at best in dealing with matchmaking.
Enjoy the email!
From: OkCupid!   
Date: September 20, 2014 at 7:27:28 PM MDT
To: 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣
Subject: 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣, You are Hot!

MDStenger, You are Hot!
Hey 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣,

We just detected that you're now among the most attractive people on OkCupid.

We learned this from clicks to your profile and reactions to you in Quickmatch. Did you get a new haircut or something?
Well, it's working!

To celebrate, we've adjusted your OkCupid experience:

You'll now see more attractive people in your match results.

This won't affect your match percentages, which are still based purely on your answers and desired match's answers. But we'll recommend more attractive people to you. You'll also appear more often to other attractive people.

Sign in to see your newly-shuffled matches. Have fun, and don't let this go to your head.

OkCupid © 2014 Humor Rainbow, Inc. 555 W 18th St, New York, NY 10011


Gene Mingo and Me.


Yessed Ear- A Poem by Lightbulb Martin

Lightbulb Martin
Lightbulb Martin
Jul 28      Jul 28
Ditch ewe sea Mai poem?
Eye sore year phlegm on yootoob!
Knot of ill my mean,
Ice awe yore fitty oh on yewtwoob!
No won you sis Phil mini moor...

Aisle Ike did the Bell eve id Dio.
Butt wear wuss aye at?
Cuss ein owe fur sheer.
God Knowed out debt
Hugh phlegmed me giddy
Nth arc are!

Watt Chew say a bow to that?
Whole Don.
Dead Yew sin sir writ?
Sense err meow tough fit?
High share open aught!

Bay bee!
Aye muss tar!!!


Higher Ground Music Fest 2014 Videos

Here is a playlist of videos shot at the 2014 Higher Ground Music Festival in Denver Colorado. Six stages, 40+ bands, it was a great day for music in the mile high city!


Here's the trailer 4 the new Cobain movie 'Love killed Kurt'

Here is the trailer for the new Nirvana movie...

it purports to explain Why Kurt Died...

but we already know.

Love killed Kurt Cobain. 
kurt Cobain was killed by Love.


TinyMeetBig: Examining the Minutiae & the Massive.

Ok just did a 'Reno' rebranding/revamping over at
Our tired out tumblr
TinyMeetBig is the Tag 2 sho nuff swag!
TinyMeetBig is the alkaline Al Kaline!
Send some Sugar-cubes if you think it sucks...
So Bookmark
The All New TinyMeetBig Tumblr!

So Buster's A Top Right? Right? His name is Buster! Finally We'll Find Out Because...Dave & Buster's™ is Going Public. You're Invited.

When was the last time you spent some of your time with Dave & Buster? Or some of YOUR money? How about the last time you willingly, and not for some corporate team building event, the last time you willingly went to spend either your Time or your Money at Dave & Buster's™? Really? Wait. Was that with someone younger than 16? That doesn't count. What's wrong with you? Don't you like to Eat, Drink, Play and Watch™? Why aren't you more awestruck you have Dave & Buster's™ nearby? Would it kill you to stop in for lunch just once of your own volition? Sans Coupon? What is a place so fantastically Fun Filled forced to do?
     Well two years ago D & B's™ moved to manufacture a massive meshuggeneh modernization. A robust physical remodeling of each bar and restaurant. From the form and fashion of all the lighting fixtures to the fixed type font on the matchbooks and menus. New food! New attitude! Some Sizzle? Also a rigorous Rebranding. No a renaissance. A raucous rebuke of their Boring 'Big Box' birthright. Dave & Buster's™ revamp revealed D&B's™ to be a bona fide nightspot! A de facto destination for city scenesters and social media sycophants. Tweet @DaveAndBusters with #D&B Please! Sophisticated, Smooth and Suave, and Sportsier! Sportsier? (The remods included adding a sports bar to some locations.) In my mind it all worked. Dave was now hip & Buster became edgy. Indeed, D&B's™ was suddenly the coolest, hippest, edgiest place in play skeeball with your nieces on a Tuesday.
     But hey you, you too rational, utterly unable to have real unironic fun. You fuddy duddy. Dave & Buster's™ has proposed a new scheme to get you to spend your money with them. And you don't even have to come in for lunch! Ok. I will let the right honorable Steve King take over from here. Please give him your utmost attention and I'll be back after he says his piece. 

From: "Dave & Buster's Rewards" <>
Date: September 29, 2014 at 3:47:58 PM MDT
To: <product626_98@yah
Subject: Dave & Buster's is Going Public. You're Invited.
Reply-To: "Dave & Buster's Rewards" <>

To Rewards Members,

Dave & Buster's is going public. Our mission is to be the best and most fun place in the world for you, your friends and your family to Eat, Drink, Play and Watch.

We realize that you - our Rewards Members - have played a major part in our past success, and now we would like to give you the opportunity to own a part of our future.

It is in this spirit that we are providing you access to our IPO stock at the same price, and at the same time, as Wall Street. At our request, the underwriters have reserved 2.5% of the common stock to be sold by Dave & Buster's in the IPO, to be offered through LOYAL3, at the initial public offering price.

The LOYAL3 Social IPO Platform™ is designed to democratize IPO participation, making it easy for large numbers of people to purchase shares in our IPO at the same price, and at the same time, as institutions and other large investors. There are limited shares available through the LOYAL3 Platform. LOYAL3 Platform participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Individuals can elect to purchase shares in our IPO through LOYAL3 in amounts ranging from $100-$2,500, with no transaction fees. Should you choose to forward this email, you must do so without changes, in precisely this form (only by email, so hyperlink to the prospectus is active, and only to US residents).

For more information, or to view a preliminary prospectus and to enroll, click: Dave & Buster's IPO through the LOYAL3 Platform.

One of our core values has always been that "everybody is somebody," that each person matters. If it were not for you, our Rewards Members, we would not be the success we are today, and not a day goes by when we don't appreciate that.

Thank you,

Steve King
Dave & Buster's

Questions and want to speak to someone from LOYAL3?
Phone: 855-256-9253

Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc., (the "Company") has filed a registration statement (including a preliminary prospectus) with the SEC for the offering to which this communication relates. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in that registration statement and other documents the Company has filed with the SEC for more complete information about the Company and this offering. You may get these documents for free by visiting EDGAR on the SEC web site at Alternatively, a copy of the preliminary prospectus may be obtained by visiting or by requesting a copy from LOYAL3 Securities, Inc. by calling toll-free 1-855-256-9253 or emailing U.S. residents only.

LOYAL3 Securities, Inc., a US-registered broker-dealer, is acting as a co-manager in the Dave & Buster's IPO.

Connect with us
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Dave & Buster's Rewards
2481 Manana Dr., Dallas, TX 75220

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     Yes, now you too can own Dave. Or Buster. Now you can own more than just a D&B emblazoned plastic powercard used to play video games. Which technically you never really owned before. (Powercards are the sole possession of Dave & Buster's™ and must be surrendered at the request...) Now you can use that powercard to purchase credits! To play video games with... 
     Yeah I'm really not trying to slag Dave & Buster's™. I love Dave &... Ok ok I can't lie so laconically. But I wouldn't write an entire epistle just to influence a favorable fiduciary outcome for me and my financial flunkies. That wouldn't be fair would it? For me to talk down a company, in an attempt to ensure an artificially low opening price so I would benefit? Nope. Not fair. So believe me that I believe everything I wrote about Dave &/or Buster. AND I'm going to invest. How much? Much more than the minimum $100 yes but lots less than the maximum $2500. So buy! 
Buy Buy Birdie!!!,,!,,!,,!


The Atlantic: The Case for Reparations

The link below is to a very beautiful, very necessary work of art created by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Every American should Read it

"Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole."