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L's & G's I am proud to present the very first video from our new YouTube channel Chica Chica Go Boom?™

Please enjoy our premiere selection...

So I hope this works. Anything from here on out is the company's fault. Chica Chica Go
Boom? begins officially Sunday March 30 2014. More will come. Ummm.... Say goodnight



Google+ is Auto Awesome? Or: The Google plus plus pissed!

Ok so you hate google+. Well you don't hate it, you just don't use it very often. Like very often at all. More like, never at all. In fact, the only reason you have a google+ profile page is because google saddled your YouTube account with a linked google+ profile. A required google+ profile really. Bam! Just like that. 50 million more google+ profiles than there were the day before. Actually, it took a few months for google to flip all those Youtubers into nominal G-plussers too. But behold Wall Street, 50,000,000 new, verified, computer savvy, content providing, sharing, +1ing, social networking immigrants come to inhabit google+. 50 million goes a long ways towards making g+ More than just a weak FB done bitey style.

So you're saying to yourself, what do I care if I have a google+ profile? I'll never use it anyways...
Here's where the trouble starts. If your YouTube username was an alias, as countless millions were, your linked new google+ profile used a different name. Mainly your real life one. The name you may have provided google when they asked you to update your account info with your real identity in order to protect it. But that's not the half of it. A new YouTube channel is also created for you.  With the same name as your brand new google+ profile. Why? Because google is auto-awesome? 

So who are the plus plus pissed!?
Let's say there's a YouTube channel called 'titansibid' and you're a subscriber. But google knows John Tibidoe is the man who produces and films and uploads as 'titansibid' on YouTube. Google first creates a John Tibidoe google+ Profile page. It does this completely unsolicited by 'titansibid' of course. Next it creates the John Tibidoe YouTube channel.  Mind you, all of this is being done inside the 'titansibid' account. So the John Tibidoe YouTube channel becomes the primary channel and public YouTube face for John instead of 'titansibid'. When poor John signs into YouTube with the titansibid account login he has used for years, he finds himself being asked if he wants to keep the 'titansibid' name or just change over to use his real name for all of google. Google of course, wants him to drop titansibid. But why? Just to prop up google +? What if John wants to keep the titansibid channel and use the name everyone knows him by? Easy. Simply create another google+ profile with the 'titansibid' name. 
Confusing you I am? Imagine living through it. I'm still not sure why I have my real name on both sites since my gmail address reflects my original YouTube account/username. MazzyD626. But that's about to change. I'm cleaning up Google's mess. Sort of. But not right this second and maybe not even tomorrow either. But soon. Soon...

Google+ new 'Auto-Awesome' feature seen above.
(But only when viewed on google+) 

A positive outcome of the plus plus pissed! morass...
In a desperate attempt to get people talking on google+, 'twas decided that YouTube comments on videos would be google+ comments. For awhile posters were given the choice whether to post the comments to google+ At all with the caveat that coming soon! One could not comment without a google+ profile. This change did produce some good in/for humanity in the digital age. YouTube comments used to be... Well, let's call them childish. I am not trying to insult children with this comparison. They were worse than childish. The problem? Anyone could create a username and post virtually anonymously anywhere on the entire YouTube website. The comments were ignorant, willfully and gleefully so. They were hateful, racist and mysoginistic. They were unintelligent, random, and dangerous too... Scammers and thieves proliferated, along with get rich quick schemes...links to viruses, even praise for 3 doors down could be found! if one comment out of ten was actually germane to the video that was a very very good ratio. If a thing could be misspelled, grammar free, hateful, offensive and try to rob you, it would be the quintessential YouTube comment of before. But By requiring a google plus profile to comment, people could not remain anons and most of the anons didn't have any desire to post with a public face. it is a 180° change for the better, most visibly by reducing the sheer number of new comments by tenfold. So kudos on that big G...But enough for one day about google plus. I'm fixing it.


This Little Birdy. A MISTERDOCTER concoction

A remix of one of my faves from Mr. Dr. - ¡SANGRE! There's also a video coming soon so keep your Sunglasses on...


Let's Go To Heaven I Know The Door Man Maybe We Can Get In

Someone posted "Back From Philly" by Freakboy #9 on youtube, so I figgered
I'd share.

Crosswalk. Skip. Jump. by a little band called Product 626...

It is my pleasure to introduce you folks to yet another former band I was in. Product 626. if you like what you hear? Let me know. I'm about to start laying vocals on our unfinished album from yesteryear. kind of a time travel karaoke i guess...
just one more thing to do rather than drink.
God bless,
chica chica go boom?


How the West was Done

Broncos bucked up.
Rattled rangeless restless
For 24 days now.

Cowboys gone awry.

Drunk in their sheets.

Shooting out windows
Instead of black hats.
Divining honor in
Hoop skirts.
Belching sarsaparilla 
Soaked six shooters.
Go West young man?



Invest young man. 
Get blessed young man. 
Get dressed young man. 

Distressed ghost towns 
Remain inflections

Calico ribboned echoes 
Freedom's hyena laugh &
Liberty's lonesome howl.


SomeB.ody wrote me a rote poem!

At least it was addressed to me... I just love the fact that someB.ody took time out of their hectic schedule. They pressed pause on life for a few minutes to inject invective into our internets. 

A Lesson to be learned? SomeB.ody out there was thinking about ME! And as they always say, it's the thought that counts.   So without any further editorializing-

Please Burn After Reading:   

No. No. No. Let's do this sans spite.

Do Please Enjoy:

This photo was taken in downtown Denver on the 16th street mall. ©2013

Couleurs Primaire Autoportrait #1-3

l'artiste est peut-être aussi ennuyé, comme son sujet!


A Friend of Mine

Do you remember our 41st president George W. Bush? How about his evil Henchman/Overlord Dick Cheney? Whether or not these names ring your bell, you mos def will not learn anything about them from watching this video. Except perhaps how to make 9th and 11th chords sound good on electric guitar. So this is another Freakboy #9 song. Freakboy #9 was my quasi waspy funk band from last century. The music still resonates! Meaning one can still hear it... But lemme know what y'all think!


Happy (real) New Year's Day!!!

Happy New Year everybody!
     But wait you say,  today is January 4th! Aren't you either a little late or extremely premature in wishing us all a Happy New Year? Well actually, I'm not. Today January 4th, is really January 1st.
     Little known fact: Our 21st President, Chester A. Arthur, was the man pulling the strings in this calendrical hoo-ha. Upon President Garfield's death from assassination the morning of September 19 1881, President Arthur declared three national days of mourning. They were to take place September 20, 21 and 22. There was only one problem. Arthur didn't take the oath of office until the mourning period ended on the evening of the 22nd. His advisers explained that because of the three day lapse in succession, our new President was not Chester A. Arthur. Instead our President was Flopsom Mollie, a notch eared terrier who was previously the Garfield family pet! Garfield, strange old biddy that he was, declared in his will that if no oath of office was taken to succeed him within 72 hours of his passing, the presidency would pass to flatulent old Flopsom Mollie... Constitution be damned! 
     Neither Congress nor the Court could figure a way out of this mess, and it soon began to set in that our great country was now 'one nation under dog'. And so for three dark days our Capital was at a standstill, with some members of the Whig party threatening to support President Flopsom Mollie's legislative agenda, such as it was... Which really wasn't much. 
     But thank the Heavens for Arthur's good sense! The night of the 24th he made a pre-executive decision that changed history forever. He summoned all the newspaper editors to the White House and prepared an official telegram to go out to the rest of the press. The official transcript to this telegram has sadly been lost to history, but suffice it to say that when America woke up the morning of September 25th and read their morning papers everything had changed. Arthur had ordered them to change the date back three days to September 22nd. Reprinting every bit of news exactly the same as they had three days prior but with one important change. They would include a story about President Arthur taking the oath of office the night before, the evening of September 21st. Thus invalidating Garfield's cruel whim of a will and making sure a white man was once again our President of these United States. So you see, when I say today is actually January 1st...

Oh shit. 
Fucking math! 
See today is really January 7th because Arthur went back three days...
Oh fuck it! 
Happy New Year!