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Actual Text of Statement Given 2 Trooper D. Gurule #3311 Colorado State patrol

Sleeping. A minute or two at a time. Mark. This guy hit somebody. Awake. Coat on. front door out. A silver hatchback is parked blocking our driveway. Drivers Door
 opens. a man with dark hair gets out. Italian maybe. Takes three steps. Sees me. And at once without any acknowledgement beyond eyes meeting he is back in the car. And it's all you can do to stare at the rectangle of pressed aluminum. it's white characters on green. 638 UAR 638 UAR. And then his car is gone again but not before you glimpse the passenger side front quarter panel. If what's left of it. Man he did a real smack. And then Still in Costco house shoes You  listen to the scrape of his tires drive away and walk the outer line of the front fence along the line of cars parked in front of your house and up the front door of your rather dory sort of spry 84 year old neighbor. As you reach her front door. You see it is open and  only the glass screen door is shut. Think about rapping but reach for the doorbell instead. And there she is. Hi you say. A guy hit one of your cars out front. Four cars parked out from two silver two redfish.   We'll find in she says. You apologize for the house shoes a dad don't ax you step inside you realizd how close to Christmas it really is. He'd entire house. Solved abs red. Four wine. Sitting around The dining tilm table. Someone's car has been Hit 84 says. The  murmurs at the table soon turn into realization. And questions. Which car?  I don't know. He left. I just came here straightaway with the license plate. You realize you've been saying it aloud this whole time. 638 UAR. And now you and 5 bible studiers walk back outside.   It's the first car. A white silver one. Joy for not much damage but Enough to pray over.  


Thug Kills White Prosecutor and Wife in Texas


Art By Sommer M.

Daddy likes Subway! He's carrying a $5 footlong home for dinner.


Blah blah blah blah blah blah - art by M $

Art from Detroit 8th grader Makayla $.

Detroit Week Takes Off. Literally.

And with that, we are off to Detroit. Over the next two weeks I will be using this forum to celebrate Detroit. A city in my heart that I will share with all of you. For the first glimpse of the Motor City itself just head on over to CCGB? Studios.


Thank U 4 Bng An F (thanksgiving week repost)

If you don't see the video click Here
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm taking a couple days off 4 a birthday so to everyone out there- Thank U 4 Bng An F


An Effort 2 Extend A Little Levity B4 Ferguson News Overwhelms

So sometime very soon we will learn of the Grand Jury's decision on whether of not to indict Officer Wilson. Whatever their decision, I thought it might be useful to sit back, take a deep breath or two and just smile at a video Google Plus 'created' for me. So Thanks Google Auto Awesome, I think I understand your Algorhythmic logic this time. Maybe.


Free Small Sour Green Apple Slurpee At 7/11

     That's right, just have your friendly 7-11 cashier scan this barcode on the photo below. It does say limited quantity so don't complain to me if it doesn't work. Go complain in person at a Target™ Store! That's right,  this holiday season we outsourced our ability to receive any negative feedback from our readers, to Target™ via Pissed Off Proxy Pals. Here's the Free Slurpee Code.
Have a great day! Let us know if the coupon works for you!